Pajhwok Afghan News

Pakistan, Afghanistan discuss prisoner swap

ISLAMANAD (PAN‘s interior minister held a meeting in Islamabad to discuss the security situation in the border region and a possible exchange of prisoners, the interior ministry said on Tuesday.

Afghan diplomat Mohammad Omar Daudzai called on Rahman Malik on Monday evening, the ministry said in a statement. They discussed matters of mutual interest and issues concerning bilateral trade, relations and the political situation.

They also conferred on a possible deal over the exchange of prisoners, joint border security and others questions. Thousands of Afghans are languishing in various Pakistani jails. Nearly 40 of the prisoners were freed from a jail in Karachi three days ago.

Daudzai and Malik talked about the problems facing people of the two countries in getting visas. The Pakistani minister said a stable and peaceful Afghanistan was in the interest of his country and the region at large.

He said the neighbours had deep-rooted relations and their endeavor would be to make them stronger.

Daudzai was appointed as ambassador to Islamabad a month back and it was his first meeting with Malik.


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