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Kama elders condemn Pakistani attacks, special court

7 Jul 2011 - 18:42
7 Jul 2011 - 18:42

JALAL ABAD (PAN members.

The gathering of about 1,500 elders in Qala Akhond area also condemned cross border attacks into the district from Pakistan.

“Insecurity is on peak and all government departments are rife with corruption,” Ashaqullah, a local tribal leader, told the gathering.

He said Pakistan was firing missiles into Afghanistan was fragile.

Malik Rahmatullah, another participant of the meeting, said they were opposed to the decision of the election tribunal.

Kama district council member, Abdul Wakil, said the government had been unable to resolve the political crisis since the election held 11 months ago.

He also lashed out at President Karzai for failing to complete his cabinet of ministers, saying most of ministries were headed by acting ministers, who had no authority to take key decisions.

Other participants also expressed their opposition to the election court verdict that threw out 62 races in last year’s parliamentary election.

They also asked Pakistan to stop its attacks into Afghan villages.


Views: 11



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