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13 sent jail for trafficking drugs

13 sent jail for trafficking drugs

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10 Jul 2011 - 15:16
13 sent jail for trafficking drugs
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10 Jul 2011 - 15:16

KABUL): Thirteen people were sentenced to 10 to 20 years in jail by an appellant court for trafficking drugs, the Criminal Justice Task Force (CJTF) announced on Sunday.

The jail terms were handed down based on evidence presented during an open trial, CJTF said in a statement.

Those convicted had defence lawyers to plead their cases. The men had been detained on the charge of trafficking 15 kilograms of heroin, 74 kg of opium, and 439 kg hashish by security forces in different parts of the country, the statement added.

Under the relevant law, they can appeal their convictions in the Supreme Court.

On July, 4, a district police chief of Dasht-i-Qala in northern Takhar province and his two subordinates were sentenced to 20 years in prison by the court for drug trafficking.


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