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5 Khost residents freed from Bagram prison

27 Jul 2011 - 17:29
27 Jul 2011 - 17:29

KHOST CITY (PAN): Five residents of southeastern Khost province were released on Wednesday from the Bagram airbase, the main US military base which was renamed as Parwan prison following its transfer to Afghan control.

Belonging to different parts of Khost, the men were reunited with their families at a ceremony held at the conference hall in the provincial capital. The prisoners’ release represented a major stride towards peace, the deputy governor said.

Abdul Wahid Patan told the gathering that they were trying to ensure the early release of inmates being held at all detention facilities across the country.

A Parwan prison department official, Gen. Marjan Shuja, told Pajhwok Afghan News most of the prisoners held at Bagram hailed from Khost, particularly Sabari district. Efforts were being made to get them freed, he said.

Ghazi, one of the freed men, said he had been detained by NATO-led troops during a nighttime raid on his house. Despite his innocence, he claimed, the foreign forces kept him in detention for nine months. Scores of innocent people were being held in the Bagram prison, he added.


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