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Samangan MPs accused of not keeping promises

10 Dec 2011 - 16:35
10 Dec 2011 - 16:35

SAMANGAN (PAN and said they cut relations with people of the province after winning election.

The province has four seats in the House including one reserved seat for women with Muhammad Tahir Zaheer, Masooma Khawari, Makhdum Muhibullah Furqani and Makhdum Abdulullah Muhammadi representing the province.

“The MPs had promised us that they would construct roads, bridges, schools and religious schools in the province, during election campaign but they have failed to fulfill their promises so far,” Zabiullah, resident of Dara Suf Payan district told Pajhwok Afghan News.

His favorite candidate once found way to the parliament he did not return to his district to see problems of the people, he said without naming the candidate.

“Most of our farmers are facing problems due to drought and we have a shortage of food too but our elected representatives have forgotten us,” he complained.

Naimatullah from Khuram Sarbagh district of the province said, “The candidate I had voted, remained unsuccessful but those won, do not bother to visit the area and listen to us.”

Those candidates had made close relations with the locals during the campaign but once they elected they sever all those connections, he said and added, “An MP is considered as a bridge between people and the government and responsible to solve locals’ problems as a representative but our MPs have done nothing during last six months.”

Hamasa, resident and a teacher in Ajani Malika School of provincial Aibak city said, “I don not know any MP personally as they are from other districts of the province but they had come to the city during their election campaign, not after that.”

Meanwhile some of the locals have no complaints from their MPs and they are satisfied with their performance.

Zabiullah, resident of Roye Duaab district of the province said, “MP I had voted for, has fulfilled his promises, he had made to us,” and added he had promised them for help in construction of road between Aibak and Roye Duaab district and a hospital, so construction work of the road was underway and according to Public Health Ministry the hospital would be constructed in near future.

Muhammad Tahir Zaheer, MP from the province while commenting on the issues raised by people of the area, said, “We do not have executive authority but as I had promised my people that I would reach their voices to the government and other relevant agencies, so I have fulfilled promises.”

 Rehabilitation, reconstruction and implementation of welfare projects were the responsibilities of the government, not of the MPs, he added and said, “During last few months we had so many problems with the government but still I am in contact with my people and shall help them.”

 Muhibullah Furqani, another MP from the province said he had helped in approval of several projects, like water transfer project from Khuram Sarbagh area to Aibak city, approval of building of a cold storage for keeping grapes of Feroz Nakhchir district and approval of asphalting six kilometer road in the city.

We could not fulfill all our promises in a short time as it was a time consuming job and it could take next five years, he said.

Furqani who is giving long term promises, will lose his seat in the parliament according to the special court verdict while Muhammad Tahir Zaheer, and Masooma Khawari are two other MPs from the same province who will lose their seats and Ahmad Khan Samangani, Rais Khiarullah and Mahbooba Rehmat will replace them.


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