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Hakimi introduced as Ariana Airlines’ new chief

18 Dec 2011 - 20:00
18 Dec 2011 - 20:00

KABUL): Nasir Ahmad Hakimi, who has been appointed as head the state-owned Ariana Afghan Airlines, was Sunday introduced to employees of the national carrier.


Hakimi replaces Moeen Khan Wardak, a pilot, who headed the airlines for last almost four years.

Reshuffling government officials had always a positive impact on work, Hazrat Omar Zakhilwal, the Minister of Finance said at a ceremony introducing Hakimi.

Zakhilwal lauded the role played by Moeen Wardak as head of the Ariana Afghan Airlines and said he would continue to offer his valuable services to the airlines.

Hakimi, a resident of central Kapisa province, had received his higher education.

He praised Wardak’s contributions, saying he would also work hard for the airlines’ development and improvement.

When Wardak was asked whether his replacement was a result of pilgrims’ problems, he said: “No, no. It has nothing to do with that mater. It is a government decision.” He said he worked as pilot for last 29 years and would continue to work on the position in future as well.


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