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Daily Security Brief: January 3, 2012

3 Jan 2012 - 17:59
3 Jan 2012 - 17:59

DAIKUNDI: Unidentified gunmen shot dead two civilians and wounded as many others in the Khadeer district of central Daikundi province, officials said on Tuesday.

The incident took place late on Monday night in the Shakar Dara area, Abdul Qadir Haidari, the town’s administrative head, told Pajhwok Afghan News.

The victims were heading toward their home on foot when came under attack from unknown gunmen, Haidari said, adding an investigation was ongoing into the incident.

Zahir Ansari, the district development council head, said the attackers’ identity was yet to be known.

Syed Ghulam


GHOR group joined the peace process in western Ghor province during a ceremony on Tuesday, an official said.

Led by commander Mubarak Shah, the group remained active in the Charsada district, the provincial high peace council chief, Kamalludin, told Pajhwok Afghan News.

Mubarak Shah said they decided to renounce violence after they became tired of the war. He urged the government to provide them jobs.

Welcoming the individuals, Kamalludin said they would be provided work opportunities in collaboration with the relevant departments.

–Obaid Ghori


ISALAMABAD: Two separate bomb explosions left five people dead and 31 others wounded in Pakistan‘s northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province on Tuesday, officials said.

The first blast took place in Peshawar, the provincial capital, blowing up a net café in the Arbad Road area, said Tahir Ayub, Senior Superintendent of Police (operations).

He said a number of people were killed and wounded in the blast, but he had no immediate figures.

Another police official, Dr. Saeed, said the café owner had prior threatens from unidentified people.

A doctor at the Hayat Shaheed Teaching Hospital, (Sherpao Hospital), Dr. Zahid Malik, confirmed receiving 28 injured people at the hospital. He said two of them died of their wounds and another three were in a critical condition.

The second blast occurred in the Landi Kotal sub-district of the lawless Khbyer tribal region near the Afghanistan border, killing three people, including a local militia force member. Another three people were injured in the attack that took place in the Bacha Khan Square, a security official said on condition of anonymity.

Qaisar Yousafzai


KABUL: An International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) soldier died in a roadside bombing in southern Afghanistan, marking the first foreign troops’ casualty in 2012, the alliance said on Tuesday.

The servicemember died following an improvised explosive device attack, the Taliban’s weapon of choice on Monday, the NATO-led troops said in a brief statement.

In line with its policy, ISAF neither revealed the soldier’s nationality nor the exact location of the incident.

Mostly, US, British and Canadian soldiers are deployed to the volatile south — the heartland of the Taliban insurgency.

It was the first international soldier killed in Afghanistan this year. Up to 566 foreign soldiers, including 417 Americans and 45 Britons, were killed in 2011.

–Younus Naseh


KABUL: Nine insurgent were killed, four wounded and 41 others arrested during a series of operations in several provinces over the past 24 hours, the defence and interior ministries said on Tuesday.

The operations were jointly conducted by Afghan and NATO-led troops in Kabul, Nangarhar, Kapisa, Kandahar, Helmand, Khost, Maidan Wardak, Logar and Farah provinces.

Seven AK-47 assault rifles, one machinegun, one RPG, two mortar shells, 88 heavy shells, 200 light shells, 18 mines, 73 kilograms of explosives, four hand-grenades, one walkie-talkie and seven kilograms of drugs were seized during the period, the interior ministry said in a statement.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in a separate statement said a squad leader of suicide bombers was killed, three others wounded during a clash with ANA troops in Nahr-i-Saraj district of southern Helmand province.

A machinegun was seized and a militant was captured alive during the clash, it said.

Elsewhere, six insurgent were detained with weapons in Afghnia and Yachghan area of Nijrab district of central Kapisa province, statement added.

Tribal elder and resident of the district, Haji Wakil, told Pajhwok Afghan News the operation targeted a militant hideout in the area, arresting five Taliban insurgents.

Khwaja Basir Ahmad


KABUL: Hundreds of kilograms of drugs were seized by a joint Afghan-international security force during an operation in southern Kandahar province, the alliance said on Tuesday.

The narcotics, including 1000 kilograms of hashish and 50 kilograms of marijuana seeds, were recovered in the Panjwai district and destroyed at the site, the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)’s media office in Kabul said in a statement.

The Ministry of Defence spokesman also confirmed the seizure, but gave no details.

A day earlier, a spokesman for the multinational force the NATO-led forces had made incredible seizures of drugs in Afghanistan last year, dealing a blow to the finances of the Taliban-led insurgents.

Brigadier General Carsten Jacobson told a news conference that narcotics trafficking had been a key generator of funding for the insurgency, but the source of revenue was diminishing.

The ISAF statement also said an Afghan and coalition security force captured a Taliban leader during an operation in the Baghlan-i-Jadeed district of northern Baghlan province. It accused the detainee of operating a roadside bomb making cell and attacks against Afghan forces in the area.

Elsewhere, the statement said another Taliban leader was apprehended during an operation in the Nahr-i-Saraj district of southern Helmand province. The leader coordinated direct fire attacks in the upper Greshk Valley and placed roadside bombs along various routes in the area, it said. One additional suspected insurgent was detained during the operation.

A Haqqani facilitator was captured during an operation in Nadir Shah Kot district of south-eastern Khost province today, the alliance said, accusing the facilitator of coordinating direct fire and roadside bomb attacks against coalition forces.

Pajhwok Report


LOGAR: An Afghan contractor with foreign soldiers was killed and another wounded in an insurgent attack in central Logar province on Tuesday, an officials said.

The attack happened in Padkhwab Shana area of Pul-i-Alam city, when the contractors were heading toward a base of the international troops, crime branch police officer, Col. Mohammad Jan Abid, told Pajhwok Afghan News.

Resident Himmat said the Taliban attacked a vehicle carrying the contractors from a garden. Three civilians injured in the incident were evacuated to a nearby hospital by residents, he said

The central hospital director, Dr. Ahmadullah Nallan said one of the two injured people brought to the hospital died of his wounds.

Maqsud Azizi


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