Pajhwok Afghan News

Ghazni road damaged a month after inauguration

GHAZNI CITY (PAN): A 12-kilometre road that was inaugurated in the capital of southern Ghazni province last month has been damaged, officials said on Tuesday.

Low-quality materials were used in construction of the road linking Ghazni City with the Kabul-Kandahar highway, Mayor Syed Abdul Baseer Noori told Pajhwok Afghan News.

He had taken up the issue with the Governor’s House and the construction company, Noori said, adding an inquiry had also been initiated to ascertain the cause of damage.

Constructed parallel to the highway, the road cost $5 million (246 million afs) provided by the US Provincial Reconstruction).

Provincial council member Amanullah Kamrani criticised the trend of signing agreements on the basis of nepotism and favoritism, alleging irregularities in construction works.

He said the contractor had guaranteed the road would not be damaged over the next 10 years, but it had started breaking in less than two months.

Governor Musa Khan Akbarzada acknowledged the use of poor material in the project, saying the construction company would be asked to reconstruct the road.


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