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WBU champ attributes success to Afghans’ prayers

3 Mar 2012 - 18:52
3 Mar 2012 - 18:52

KABUL Boxing Union (WBU) champion, arrived in Kabul on Saturday, attributing his success to the support and motivation he received from his countrymen.   

Rahimi was warmly received by youths and Olympic Committee officials on his arrival at the Kabul International Airport from Germany, where he won the title last month.

“I dedicate my World Boxing Union (WBU) title to the people of my country,” Rahimi told journalists. He said his success was the result of people’s prayers.

Olympic Committee head Zahir Aghbar said a large number of people flocked to the airport to receive their national hero — a move that reflected national solidarity.

Rahimi also presented the boxing gloves he used during the match against his Belarusian rival at the WBU Championship to the Olympic Committee.    

He won the WBU Championship in the Hamburg city of Germany on Feb. 24. He plans to host an international boxing event in Kabul in the near future.


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