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Govt favouring coalition set-up with opposition: Massoud

28 Apr 2012 - 21:46
28 Apr 2012 - 21:46

KABUL, on Saturday said the current administration was trying to create a coalition government along with extremist groups and the Taliban.

Addressing a ceremony in Kabul, to mark the 20th anniversary of Mujahidin’s victory against the Soviet Union, Ahmad Zia Massoud said recent remarks of some officials indicated that the government was moving towards a coalition set-up.  

The former first vice president, said: “Should not play games with people’s fate and building new democracy should not be at the expenses of making political coalition with those involved in killing people in the past years.”

He said Afghanistan was at a critical stage and deep political and administrative reforms in the government were needed to resolve the ongoing problems.

While insisting on creating a parliamentary system, Massoud said the present lethargic leadership lacked the political will to stem terrorism and bringing peace to the country.

The national coalition head, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, also slammed the peace process, saying people wanted a durable, justice and honorable peace.

He added: “We don’t seek enmity with anybody in Afghanistan. Any person who seeks peace is our friend, but peace should not be made with people who aimed to make the country a safe haven for terrorism.”

He also urged for reforms and wanted a clear date for next presidential polls that should be free of fraud.  

Speaking at the same occasion, the High Peace Council activists to be responsible in deal with the national issues.  

He added that Afghanistan had scarified heavily for the country’s independence and any unconstitutional act was unacceptable.

Rabbani also asked the Islamic countries and neighboring nations to help Afghans in ensuring peace and stability.

“We urge everyone to collectively ensure peace in the country because there are huge responsibilities that cannot be performed without peace,” he added.

He said security handover and next presidential polls should be held in a peaceful environment.


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