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Hundreds rally in Kabul against profane film

21 Sep 2012 - 17:42
21 Sep 2012 - 17:42

KABUL): Hundreds of Kabul residents on Friday took to the streets to show their anger over a profane movie, insulting the Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH).

The film, produced by an American-Israeli and endorsed by the same Christian pastor who last year attempted to burn copies of the holy Quran in the US, sparked violent protests by Muslims in several countries.

One such protest in the Benghazi city of Libya led to the death of four Americans, including the US ambassador.

In Kabul, more than 2,000 people, coming all the way from Dasht-i-Barchi and Pul-i-Sokhta localities, staged a demonstration at the Imam and condemned the movie.

Participants of the protest rally held under the aegis of Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) Cultural Foundation chanted anti-US slogans and cursed the moviemakers.  

Addressing the rally, Muallim Raza Jawadi, a member of the foundation, said that they strongly denounced the film that insulted Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) and the Muslim world. He sought harsh punishment for the moviemakers.

Another speaker Ayatullah Syed Mohsen Hujjat said it was a peaceful rally to criticise the US government for not taking action against the movie makers. He said the US had to prevent its citizens from misusing the so-called freedom of expression, which he said, had its own limitations and did not mean to insult followers of other faiths.

“Freedom of speech is to benefit humans, but in the United States, it is used to damage that spirit,” he believed.


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