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Herat industrialists halt production in protest

31 Jan 2013 - 21:14
31 Jan 2013 - 21:14

HERAT CITY (PAN): Industrialists in western Herat province on Thursday announced a three-day halt to production activity to mourn the death of a colleague’s son in captivity of his kidnappers.

The protesting industrialists asked the government to bring to justice the kidnappers who killed the 9-year old Ali Sina Noorzai, the son of an industrialist, 45 days after he was kidnapped in Hearat city.

His body was found dumped in the Khoshk Pashan area of Anjil district Wednesday evening with his hands and feet tied.

Noorzai’s uncle Hafizullah told Pajhwok Afghan News the kidnappers had sought $400,000 in ransom, but his father offered $95,000, pleading for time to arrange the remaining amount.

But the kidnappers did not wait and killed the child, Hafizullah said.

Toryalai Ghosi, a leader of the industrialists association, said their children were being killed and kidnapped on a daily basis. “We cannot run our businesses when we are not safe”, he said, adding they had suspended production activity for three days in protest. He urged government to hang to death in public the culprits in order to set an example for others.

Herat police spokesman Noor Khan Nikzad said two suspects in connection with the kidnapping had been arrested. Another two co-kidnappers were at large, but police had detained their relatives, including two women, he said.

Meanwhile, President Hamid Karzai talked to the Supreme Court Acting Chief Justice, the bereaved father, Herat governor Daud Shah Saba over the incident. The president urged exemplary punishment to the kidnappers in line with the country’s laws, his spokesman Aimal Faizi said.

The father, Nasir Ahmad Noorzai, said he had been in constant contact with police to capture the kidnappers, but unfortunately they failed to rescue his son.



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