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Rohani’s death anniversary observed

8 Jun 2013 - 16:05
8 Jun 2013 - 16:05

LASHKARGAH (PAN): The fifth death anniversary of journalist Abdul Samad Rohani was observed in southern Helmand province on Saturday.

Rohani, who worked for Pajhwok Afghan News and the BBC in Helmand, was killed after being abducted by unidentified men five years ago.

His dead body was found a day after his abduction in the Bolan cemetery of Lashkargah, the provincial capital.

At a ceremony here, Director of Information and Culture Ali Shah Mazlumyar asked security departments to investigate the murder of Rohani.

Over the past five years, government officials have been unable to capture or punish the killers, lamented the journalist’s brother, Hazrat Mohammad Rohani.

Rohani was committed heart and soul, to working for the BBC and Pajhwok, but his former employers had ignored his family, he said.

Head of Helmand Journalists Association Zainullah Stanikzai said they would never forget the sacrifice of Rohani.

“Journalists are still threatened by different people while officials don’t provide them information in time,” he complained, urging reporters to highlight the truth and stay impartial.


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