Pajhwok Afghan News

Dobbins optimistic of security deal

KABUL on a military presence in Afghanistan post 2014, when the International Security Assistance Force’s combat mission is scheduled to end.

“We don’t believe that’s the likely outcome of these negotiations (on BSA),” US Special Envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan James Dobbins told a Senate hearing. “The Afghans actually need us to stay. Most Afghans want us to stay,” he insisted.

He said President Barack Obama was still pondering a range of options in terms of the size of the US residual force that would remain in Afghanistan after 2014. He added the Afghans would not stand alone in rebuilding their country.

Dobbins explained the Americans wanted to train, assist and advise Afghan forces so that they could ensure countrywide security. Another goal was to see American forces continuing to chase remnants of Al-Qaida and its affiliates, the envoy explained.

PAN Monitor/mud

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