Pajhwok Afghan News

ISAF warplanes stray into Pakistan

KABUL‘s airspace, infiltrating several kilometers into the neighbouring country, media reported on Thursday.

Dawn newspaper quoted intelligence sources as saying the aircraft strayed into the Pakistani airspace through the Torkham border. “The aircraft returned to Afghanistan after flying for several minutes within Pakistani boundaries without causing damage.”

Similar violations of the Pakistani airspace by NATO planes have happened in the past in North Waziristan, Kurram, Mohmand and Khyber tribal regions, the daily reported.

NATO helicopters pounded the Salala military checkpoint in Mohmand in November 2012, killing up to 28 Pakistani troops. The incident triggered a halt to ISAF supplies, leaving Pakistan-US ties in a tailspin.

The Express News said the aircraft flew for about five minutes in Khyber, but military sources contradicted the news report, insisting no such incident had occurred.

PAN Monitor/mud

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