Pajhwok Afghan News

Americans not leaving the region: Biden

MUMBAI (PAN process in the war-ravaged country, US Vice President Joe Biden said on Wednesday.

Speaking at the Bombay Stock Exchange on the US-India Partnership, Biden said: “America and India are cooperating closely in Afghanistan. It’s been the subject of many of my discussions thus far with your leadership.”

Currently on a visit to India along with his spouse, he said: “I know there are questions about the US position on reconciliation with the Taliban. I want to be clear:”

He added the US had always been committed to an Afghan-led process that met three outcomes: The Taliban must break with Al Qaeda permanently; stop violence; accept the Afghan constitution and guarantee treatment for women.

Biden acknowledged India had exercised responsible leadership in Afghanistan through assistance, investment and strategic agreements with the government in Kabul.

“The United States is committed to supporting Afghanistan through our Strategic Partnership (Agreement) after the transition is complete at the end of 2014…We are not leaving the region –- even as Afghanis step up and take responsibility.”


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