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Floods kill 23 near Kabul, affectees await relief

11 Aug 2013 - 17:14
11 Aug 2013 - 17:14

KABUL): Triggered by heavy downpours, flash floods that hit several provinces, including Kabul, left 23 people dead and several others wounded, officials said on Sunday.

The rains on Saturday led to flooding in Kabul, Maidan Wardak, Paktika, Kapisa and Parwan provinces, an official of the Afghanistan Natural Disasters Management Authority (ANDMA) told Pajhwok Afghan News.

Ghulam Farooq said 20 people were killed by the floods in Shakar Dara district of central Kabul province and injured two others. The casualties occurred in Ghazi and Qachan villages, he added.

A Ghazi village dweller, Malak Hamayun Ibrahimkhel, said 10 people were killed and two more injured in the village. The dead included two women and three children, he said.

The floods also destroyed several orchards and farm fields and swept away dozens of houses and seven vehicles in the area, the resident said.

He complained ANDMA, the Red Cross and other government departments’ officials had visited the affected areas, but relief supplies were still awaited.

Another person died in Paghman district of Kabul, where dozens of household animals perished in the floods that damaged crops and orchards spread over dozens of acres of land, according to Farooq.

In Kabul City, the worst-hit areas were Ghaibi Kala and Joi Sher, falling in the city’s 15th police district. Residents complain they lost homes and most of their belongings to the devastating floods.

In central Kapisa, the Saturday’s flooding killed one person and injured two others in Sarobi and Argun districts respectively. However, no report about life loss could be ascertained from central Parwan province, where the floods had reportedly inflicted heavy financial losses on residents in Sheikh Ali and Surkh Parsa districts, Farood continued.

Twenty houses were destroyed and 150 animals killed and agriculture lands measuring 30 acres inundated by the floods in Chak district of central Maidan Wardak province, he said. Official teams have been dispatched to the affected areas to assess the damage, he said.

Nearly 100 people died in the previous floods last week, when thousands of acres of agriculture lands and several homes were destroyed.


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