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Khost offers vast investment opportunities: AISA

29 Nov 2013 - 14:27
29 Nov 2013 - 14:27

KHOST CITY (PAN Investment Support Agency (AISA) has said the eastern Khost province offer immense and vast investment opportunities. 


Most of the construction work of an industrial park has been completed in the province, the AISA informed. Insecurity and absence of electricity are among big hurdles for investment in various sectors of the province.

But AISA said steps had been expedited to restore investors’ confidence, adding Khost had now offering better investment opportunities as compared to the past decade.

The completion of industrial park would attract big investment and multiply business activities throughout the remote province, the AISA hoped.

In his exclusive interview with Pajhwok Afghan News, Sadiqullah, provincial head of AISA underlined the need to provide level playing field for investors in Khost which would help create job opportunities for locals.

“Investors should export raw material from the neighbouring Pakistan. Steps are needed to be taken for supplying of electricity to Khost which will enable locals to get more work opportunities,” he added.

Over 600 different construction, production and agriculture companies had existence in the province with most of them were willing to invest in various sectors.

The investors from Khost province had big investment in foreign countries with special reference in Gulf States, AISA said, adding it had persuaded most of the businessmen for investment in their home province.

But some of the investors said growing insecurity was the main reason they were not willing for investment in the province.

Eng. Rasool Jan, head of a construction company, said AISA was extending all out cooperation to facilitate the investors but the government role was pathetic to encourage investment.

“Investors are ready to invest in Khost if security is improved. Growing lawlessness is really a major problem in the way of investment while lack of government support is yet another problem being faced by the investors,” he deplored.

Khost Governor Abdul Jabbar Naeemi said obstacles in the way of investment had been tackled, adding investors could now invest in every sectors of their choice.

He said most of the construction work of the industrial park had been completed and the park would be inaugurated soon.

“We are trying to build factories and offer facilities besides building of the industrial park. All our institutions are working in coherence to remove obstacles in way of investment in a move to usher an era of progress and prosperity,” he added.

Supplying and provision of electricity to the remote Khost province was of paramount importance, which would enhance investment activities, he added.


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