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Vote recount process begins in Helmand

15 Apr 2014 - 18:45
15 Apr 2014 - 18:45

LASHKARGAH (Pajhwok): Local Independent Election Commission (IEC) officials in southern Helmand province on Tuesday began recounting of votes cast at 16 polling centres after complaints of fraud, an official said.

IEC chief in Lashkargah, the provincial capital, Qudratullah Naqshbandi told Pajhwok Afghan News the recount had been ordered by the IEC main office in Kabul.

He said they had been submitted complaints about ballot stuffing at six polling centres in Lashkargah, three in Nawa, as many in Greshk, two in Garamsir and one in Khanshin districts.

He said they had informed observers appointed by presidential candidates about the recount.

He said there had already been complaints about fraud at the mentioned polling centres, but they had been waiting for evidence.

They requested the main IEC office to order a recount of votes polled at these polling centres after obtaining valid documents in support of the complaints, he said.

Independent Electoral Complaints Commission (IECC) head in Helmand Rahim Gul Alikhel said they had registered 62 complaints and the objections were being investigated.


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