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Hazara tribe asked to vote a competent candidate

11 Jun 2014 - 17:27
11 Jun 2014 - 17:27

KABUL, on Wednesday urged Hazara tribe to vote a candidate who has the ability to lead the country toward progress and development.

Returning from the US after 16 years, Dr. Talib told a gathering in Kabul, he served as spokesman and represented the party in Pakistan and then Turkey after the demise of the party’s head, Abdul Ali Mazari.

He said the process would put Afghanistan on right track as Afghanistan was passing through critical phases of history.

Without giving further details, he urged the Shiite minority to vote in favor of a candidate who has the ability to put country back on track, fight corruption and use foreign aid for the development of the country.

According to Talib, an international conference aimed at organising world assistance for Afghanistan along the next decade is due to be held in November this year.

In an attempt to manage global assistance, he explained there was dire need to a strong leadership, believing Afghanistan would again plunge into crisis if next president failed to use foreign assistance judiciously.




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