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Helmand residents protest attack on wedding party

1 Jan 2015 - 16:57
1 Jan 2015 - 16:57

LASHKARGAH (Pajhwok): A number of residents of southern Helmand province on Thursday staged protest against the rocket attack that targeted a wedding party in Sangin district, asking thorough investigation into the incident.

The residents said at least 80 people suffered casualties when two rockets hit a wedding party in Mian Rodhi area of the district late Wednesday while officials said 20 people were killed and 45 others wounded.

They accused the Afghan National Army (ANA) for firing the rockets and held a protest in Lashkargah, the provincial capital, attended by hundreds of people.

The enraged protestors demanded the president to investigate the incident and punish the perpetrators.

A tribal elder from Sangin district, Shamsullah Sahrayee, said if the incident was not investigated they would continue the rally.

He accused the government officials of ignoring the spiraling violence that plagued Sangin district for months.

Another protester, Hasham Sanginwal, said the world was celebrating the New Year while Helmand residents were evacuating funerals.

At the end of the rally, the protesters in their resolution demanded the officials to visit Helmand and investigate the incident.

Earlier, the 205th Maiwand Military Corps commander, Gen. Mahmood told Pajhwok Afghan News the rockets were fired by ANA forces that left 20 wedding guests dead and 41 others wounded.

He had said that investigation into the incident was underway.



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