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Parliamentary panels reject 7 cabinet nominees

21 Jan 2015 - 20:24
21 Jan 2015 - 20:24

KABUL panels on Wednesday rejected the nomination of seven ministers-designate for holding dual nationality, lawmakers said.

Lower House Deputy Secretary Irfanullah Irfan told Pajhwok Afghan News the decision came at a joint sitting of members of the four parliamentary commissions.

He said the dual citizens were referred back to the Presidential Palace after their nominations were rejected. Another two nominees were rejected after their documents were found invalid, he said, but did not name them.

Irfan identified the dual nationality-holders as Noorul Haq Ulumi, interior minister-designate, Saadat Naderi (labour and social affairs), Ai Sultan Khairi (information and culture), Salahuddin Rabbani (foreign affairs), Shah Zaman Maiwandi (urban development), Faizullah Kakar (counter-narcotics) and Ahmad Syar Mahjoor (justice).

Abdul Qadir Zazai, who heads the international affairs committee, also confirmed to Pajhwok the rejection of seven nominees. “It is a no-turning-back decision,” he insisted.

President Ashraf Ghani introduced 24 ministers-designate and heads of two independent departments to parliament a day earlier for a vote of confidence.


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