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MP wants security forces better equipped

21 Feb 2015 - 18:35
21 Feb 2015 - 18:35

SAR-I-PUL (Pajhwok): A lawmaker from northern Sar-i-Pul province after visiting the frontline in support of Afghan security forces demanded the government to equip the country’s security forces to thwart challenges diligently.

Major clearing operations have been ongoing since last week in Sar-i-Pul after the insurgents intensified their activities in the province.

Lawmaker Sayed Anwar Sadaat said in order to boost morale of security forces he wore military uniform and visited them in Bulghali locality at a distance of 18 kilometres from the provincial capital.

“The aim of my visit is to prove to these people that their representatives will always be with them in their fight against any group. Be it Taliban or Daesh,” he noted.

The government, he alleged, did not have strong will to fight terrorism. He sought many times the security forces to be equipped but the requests fell on deaf ears.

Bulghali locality was under Taliban control few days back but after these operations and with the help of the residents the area has been cleared of militants.

Mohammad Azim, a resident of the locality, told Pajhwok Afghan News to ensure security in the area, people have taken up arms against Taliban. “Despite being a teacher and taking care of children, I fight against Taliban.”

Maj. Faiz Mohammad, Special Forces commander, assured people to defeat insurgency in the province. “Taliban do not have the ability of fighting us face-to-face. They just plant roadside bombs and mines.”


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