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700 arrested on drug-related charges in a year

17 Mar 2015 - 15:40
17 Mar 2015 - 15:40

KABUL, 24,000 litres of alcoholic beverages and 13 tonnes of other narcotic substances were seized and 700 people arrested on charges of trafficking drugs, a special attorney said on Tuesday.

Criminal Justice Task Force (CJTF) Director Yar Mohammad Hussain Khel told a news conference that 712 drugs-related cases had been registered with the department.

Referred to courts, most of the cases have already been decided. Hussain Khel said the detainees included 729 including one Iranian citizen, one Turkish, a Canadian, 20 women and 18 public servants and security men.

More than one tonne of heroin, half a tonne of morphine, 6.5 tonnes of opium, 1.5 tonnes of hashish, 3.5 tonnes of banned chemicals and more than 24,000 litres of alcoholic beverages were seized, he said.

Hussain Khel said 114 vehicles and 437 telephone sets were recovered from smugglers. An amount of cash received from smugglers has been deposited in the Pashtany Bank.



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