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President all praise for sacrifices of American troops

23 Mar 2015 - 18:14
23 Mar 2015 - 18:14

WASHINGTON (Pajhwok): On behalf of millions of his countrymen, President Ashraf Ghani, on Monday thanked American troops for their sacrifices in helping bring peace to his country.

“I want to pay tribute to more than 2,000 Americans who paid the ultimate sacrifice. To more than 20,000 American soldiers who have been wounded in action,” Ghani told a select gathering of American troops at the Pentagon.

He said the US security personnel have been in Afghanistan’s remotest valleys, highest peaks and parched deserts and beautiful plains in most demanding situations.

Each one of them left a legacy, said the president, accompanied by his Chief Executive Dr Abdullah Abdullah. “What I want to state on behalf of the Afghan people is that each one of you also has left a memory in the heart of every Afghan…”

He said the US soldiers in Afghanistan had built schools, dams, roads and physical infrastructure that had changed lives. The Afghan people and security forces honoured America’s attitude, he added.

The combat role of the United States ended on December 31, 2014, Ghani noted, explaining the legacy had been proud Afghan security forces that had dealt with the best of them and emulated their example.

The military academy in Kabul is going to train generations of Afghans who are going to be committed to the values that General Greene so valiantly portrayed and espoused. All these are legacies of the US-Afghan partnership.


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