Pajhwok Afghan News

Lawmakers urge Germany not to expel Afghans

KABUL or Senate members on Sunday asked the German government not to deport Afghan migrants as requested by President Ashraf Ghani.

Media reports say President Ghani during a telephonic conversation has asked the German prime minister not to expel Afghan refugees who arrived there through illegal ways, but the minister said the German government did not discuss the issue with the Afghan government.

Senator Lailuma Ahmadi told Sunday’s session that the Afghans had reached Germany after enduring numerous hardships on the way as they fled joblessness, injustice, insecurity and poverty in their country. “So expelling them is denying them justice.”

She said if the Afghan government was asking the Afghan migrants to return, it should provide them jobs in order they avoid joining militants or becoming drug addicted.

Another legislator Faisal Sami said human traffickers openly took nearly 3000 people including 1000 women and children to Europe through Nimroz province, but security forces could not arrest them.

He asked intelligence officials and the Interior Ministry to arrest human traffickers.

He criticised the president, saying the youth went to Europe by risking their lives after they were betrayed at home.

The lawmaker also asked German government to review its decision and cooperate with and facilitate Afghan migrants in Germany.

Some of other senators asked Germany to reconsider its decision and the leadership of Afghan government to ask again Germany not to expel the Afghans.

First deputy chairman Mohammad Alam Ezidyar, who chaired the session, said the Afghan government should have had prevented the Afghans from leaving the country at the beginning.

Now when they had reached Germany, they should not be deported, he said. “No one has the right to deport anybody by force,” he said.

Ezidyar ordered the Senate Secretariat to send an official letter to the German Embassy in Kabul and the German parliament and ask them to review their decision on Afghan refugees.

He also asked the government to implement programmes that could overcome pessimism about a bleak future of the country and make them not to leave Afghanistan for Europe or any other country.


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