Pajhwok Afghan News

President off to Europe at head of high-level delegation

KABUL: (Pajhwok): President Ashraf Ghani, heading a high-level delegation, on Sunday evening left for the France, Italy, Germany and Sweden on a six-day official visit, the Presidential Palace said.

During the trip, Ghani would deliver speech to a Climate Change Conference in France and would meet his French counterpart, the statement from Ghani’s office said.

The president would flew to Italy on Monday and would meeting his Italian counterpart, prime minister and some other officials to discuss the relations between Afghanistan and Italy, the statement said.

According to the statement from his office, Ghani would reach Germany on Tuesday where he would visit his German counterpart and prime minister. He would deliver speech to gathering in the Kober Foundation and would also participate in the 100th anniversary of Afghan-German political relations, the statement added.

Ghani would leave Germany for Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, on Thursday evening and would meet Swedish Princess Victoria, foreign and defence ministers on Friday and would also deliver speech to the KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

The agreements of development cooperation between Afghanistan and Sweden would also be signed in the presence of President Ghani and Swedish prime minister, the statement added.

President is accompanied by Foreign Minister Salahuddin Rabbani, Finance Minister Aklil Hakimi, Labour and Social Affairs Minister Dr. Nasreen Oryakhel and advisor to president, Dr. Mohammad Humanyoon Qayumi, the statement concluded.



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