Pajhwok Afghan News

Nimroz residents concerned over growing kidnap, murder incidents

ZARANJ (Pajhwok): Residents of southwestern Nimroz province complain of growing incidents of kidnappings saying businessmen and well-off individuals have stopped sending children to school and training centres and may pull out their investments.

Locals say seven incidents of kidnapping and two incidences of murder have occurred in the province in the past one month, fuelling serious concerns among the people.

Last month, a businessman’s son was kidnapped in Zaranj, the provincial capital. Zakria, 5, was found dead two weeks later, sparking angry protests by residents and civil society activists.

The child’s family says the abductors demanded one million afghanis and finally came down to 400,000 afs for the release of Zakria. But they brutally killed the boy and threw his body into a well.

The son of another businessman was also abducted last month, but police rescued the 30 months old from the kidnappers and arrested five individuals in connection with the heinous crime.

In the third incidents, trader Abdullah Noorzai went missing on the Zaranj-Dilaram road in Khashrod district. There is still no information about the businessman.

According to inhabitants, well-off individuals and businessmen were usually taken hostage for ransom. Last year, there were fewer incidents of kidnapping, they add.

Tribal elder Nooruddin grumbles: “We are keeping our children inside home and behind closed doors, fearing they may be lost.” He confirms people are scared of their children being kidnapped if they venture out of home.

Mohammad Nader Noorzai, a businessman, warns if the incidents of kidnapping are not controlled, traders will migrate to other provinces. Such a move will put negative impact on trade and commerce in Nimroz.

He claims police are hand in glove with the kidnappers — an issue that cannot be resolved as long as supporters of criminals in law-enforcement agencies are not removed.

On the other hand, Governor Mohammad Sami touts the busting of two groups of kidnappers in the past three weeks. He asserts the government’s determination to eradicate crime from society.

He promises the law and order situation in Nimroz will be improved at any cost, seeking continued cooperation from the masses.

Two weeks earlier, an officer of the National Directorate of Security (NDS) — the spy service — and their driver were gunned down in Zaranj.



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