Pajhwok Afghan News

Poverty reduced in Afghanistan between 2012-15

KABUL between 2012 and 2015, the Presidential Palace said on Wednesday, citing the Central Statistics Organisation (CSO)’s annual report.

The report for 2014 was presented to a Cabinet meeting presided over by President Ashraf Ghani at the Presidential Palace by CSO head Sher Mohammad Jamizada.

The report said poverty rate declined from 2012 and 2015 due to the increase in education, women services. No further details were issued in the statement.

Jamizada told the Cabinet they had started surveying Afghanistan’s population from space with the help of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) on a trial basis. After the survey; they would evolve a national statistics strategy from 2017 till 2021.

Meanwhile, Deputy Mines Minister presented his report on cancellation of copper and gold extraction in Zarkashan area of southern Ghazni province.

The mining contract signed with Sterling and Belhasa Consortium in 2011 could not be implemented due to the lack of security in the area.


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