Pajhwok Afghan News

Unemployment forces Bamyan youth for migration and drug addiction

BAMYAN CITY (Pajhwok): A Large number of youth in central Bamyan province complained unemployment, lack of work opportunity to ensure their effective role in political area and working with the government, saying the ongoing problems forced them to seek asylum in foreign countries and accept life risks.

Hussain Ali Amiri, a youngster, told Pajhwok Afghan News that scores of youth in Bamyan province were did not have jobs and faced negative responses whenever they referred for job to both government and non-government organizations.

“More than a hundred youths apply even for a single teacher post or similar jobs, it shows the level of unemployment is very high in Bamyan, a person could not be employed unless he has friends in the relevant office and wagers spend entire day in the on the road waiting for someone to take them to work and they would be lucky if they could find one day labor work in a week, he added.

Mohammad Ullah, another man said that joblessness caused youths to addict to drugs or leave their country and accept life risk. He blamed the government for paying no attention to youths’ problems in the country.

Bamyan labor and social affairs director, Sayed Rahmatullah Alawi confirmed youths problems and said, “Unfortunately the level of joblessness is on the rise in the country, more than 80 applicants apply for even a single government post,”

He said the joblessness also forced youths to migrate to foreign countries.

Governor’s spokesman, Abdur Rahman Ahmadi also confirmed people’s problems and said the government should launch programs for generating job opportunities for youths in all over the country.

It is impossible the local government could resolve all the problems of youths, but it has tried to employ qualified people in selection government posts, he said, adding majority posts of Bamyan province were led by youths.

Youths’ sports problems

Mohammad Nasir, a sportsman in Bamyan province said that youths in Bamyan were also faced with problems in sports area; an issue he said the government should pay attention to.

More than 10,000 athletes are playing in football, volleyball and martial sports, but there is no proper sports environment available for them, he said.

“We are playing football on a dusty ground because we have no standard playgrounds,” Nasir said.

Zahra, a sportswoman said, that there was no a sports center for women in entire Bamyan province. She said the local government also paid no attention to provide a sports environment for female athelets.

However, Hussain Ali Karimi, the newly appointed physical training manager of Bamyan province said, “It is the fact that the physical training department was inactive and did not do anything for promoting athletes,”

He said that lack of coordination between the physical training department and other organs and absence of sports resources and environment were the major problems of athletes in Bamyan. He promised to address the problems with a proper management.

“Allocating 15 acres of land for sports ground in the new master plan of Bamyan city would be my first step,” he said, adding the land would be allocated for play grounds for football and other games including a swimming pool and the budget for providing the facilities would be paid by the physical training department.

He said more than 5,000 footballers, 150 skiers, 100 bicycle riders, 150 Taekwondo athlets, 200 Muay Thai athletes, 10 Kung Fu athletes, 500 volleyball players and 10 badminton players have been registered with the physical training department, Karimi said.

He added that Buz Kashi and chess games were inactive in Bamyan but he would try to activate them as well.


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