Pajhwok Afghan News

5-year plan to gain energy self-sufficiency in a month

KABUL energy self-sufficient would be completed in a month’s time, the Ministry of Energy and Water said on Monday, acknowledging that 54 percent of the country’s areas still lacked the facility.

Speaking at a two-day seminar of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), Deputy Energy and Water Minister Amanullah Ghalib said the meeting was aimed to exchange ideas regarding electricity production power from garbage, animal dung and agricultural residues.

“The ideas of SAARC member countries can help us produce power from international resources,” he said, adding that another purpose of the seminar was capacity development and increasing the knowledge of technical and professional staff at the energy ministry and other related organs.

Nearly 46 percent areas of the country have no access to on-grid power, Ghalib said, adding his ministry wanted to benefit from the experiences of SAARC countries to make Afghanistan energy self sufficient though investment in the energy sector.

There were many drawbacks in previous master plan of the ministry, so they have been working on a new five-year plan which would be complete in the next one month, he said.

They have been trying to use renewable energy resources to gain self-sufficiency in electric power and shun dependence on imported power, he said.


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