Pajhwok Afghan News

Mullah Mansour issued domicile certificate in 1999

KABUL in 1999 under a fake name.

Mansour was killed last month in a US drone strike that hit the car he was travelling in near Afghanistan border in Balochistan province.

Media reports quoted a Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) official in Pakistan as saying the domicile certificate of Mansour was illegally made under a fake name, Wali Mohammad.

Mansour reportedly also possessed Pakistan’s computerised national identity card (CNIC) and a valid passport.

The certificate, which allows the bearer to get state jobs and other government facilities, showed him that Wali Mohammad belonged to local Kakar tribe of Pushtun and is a permanent resident of Qila Abdullah district of Balochistan.

The document is signed by the then deputy commissioner of the district, Hafiz Mohammad Tahir, who was already facing probe for showing laxity while issuing the identity card.

He is now being investigated by the FIA.

Pakistan has arrested at least four officials who had signed or approved issuance of identity card and passport for Mansour

PAN Monitor/ma

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