Pajhwok Afghan News

Rebel group joins peace process in Sar-i-Pul

SAR-I-PUL (Pajhwok): A seven-member insurgent ground, led by Mullah Amrullah, on Tuesday handed over their weapons to join the peace process in northern Sar-i-Pul province, the governor said.

Mohammad Zahir Wahdat told a ceremony welcoming the former militants in Sar-i-Pul city that the seven-member group had been active in Barqoot village of the provincial capital.

He said the group turned in one RPG, a machinegun, five Kalashnikovs and as many motorcycles to security officials.

Mullah Amrullah, the group leader, said he would now fight against his former colleagues alongside his own people. He asked the government to help equip them in the fight against rebels.

A week ago, a 10-member insurgent group reconciled with the government in Qashqari village of the provincial capital.


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