Pajhwok Afghan News

Growing insecurity: MPs stress new war strategy

KABUL members on Monday expressed concern over increasing insecurity in some provinces and asked the government leaders to devise a war strategy that could meet current needs.   

Fatima Aziz, a lawmaker from Kunduz province, expressing concern over the security situation in different parts of the country especially Kunduz, said, “The Sai Dara in Kunduz’s capital has been lost to Taliban who have blocked the Kunduz-Baghlan highway and a severe fighting is ongoing between insurgents and security forces.”

She accused Kunduz local officials of incompetency and said, “A type of game is underway in Kunduz, wanting the people to be displaced again like the past year.”

MP Abdul Saboor Khidmat from Farah said clashes were ongoing in districts of Farah province and if needed attention was not paid, the districts and even the provincial capital would fall to insurgents.

Naseema Niazi, who represents Helmand province, also expressed concern over security issues in the southern province and said, “If Helmand collapses, its neighboring provinces including Kandahar, Farah and all other southern provinces will also fall to the hands of insurgents.”Fighting has been ongoing in Helmand’s capital Lashkargah,” she added.

She asked the officials concerned to release Helmand from the grip of drug mafia and regional intelligence agencies with support from foreign forces.

Several other lawmakers held similar views. Wolesi Jirga speaker Abdul Rauf Ibrahimi, worried about the security situation, asked the government to ask for support from ‘international supporters’ under security agreements to reverse the tide of insecurity.   

He also asked the government leaders to devise a new war strategy which could help meet the current needs because insurgents had regional intelligence support to achieve their nefarious designs.

He stressed the need for convening a huge gathering of politicians, tribal elders, former president Hamid Karzai, members of National Assembly and influential figures on the issue of increasing insecurity. “If the nation stands by the government, we can eradicate the enemy.”

Ibrahimi asked all Afghans to be alongside their security forces and support them in ensuring security and durable peace.


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