Pajhwok Afghan News

MPs concerned at growing Russia-Taliban ties

KABUL’s internal matters.

Muslimyar expressed concern over growing relations between Taliban and Russia and said: “The Afghan government’s silence in this regard is disappointing and Kabul’s friendly countries should play their role in this regard.”

He said helping the enemy of Afghanistan and maintaining diplomatic relations with them was in fact enmity against the people of Afghanistan.

He demanded the government stop Russian meddling in Afghanistan’s internal affairs and not allow Moscow to organize conferences on Afghanistan without informing Kabul.

Earlier, Russia’s special envoy for Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov had said Moscow was developing links with Taliban on matters of mutual interest such as fighting against Daesh.

Kabulov’s statement irked Mesharano Jirga members who asked the Afghan government to immediately halt Moscow’s meddling in Afghanistan’s internal matters.

Lawmaker Jumma Din Gayanwal said: “Russia has close coordination with Taliban and if the government does not halt these links, Afghanistan will become another Syria or Iraq.”

He claimed some of Afghan elders had cooperated with Russia in developing links with Taliban who had agreed to cooperate with Russia. He claimed Russia had provided sophisticated weapons to Taliban.

Abdul Katif Nuhzatyar, another member of Mesharano Jirga, said: “Russia wants to convert Afghanistan into a battlefield and they should refrain from repeating the past mistakes.”

The Russian envoy had announced Moscow was organizing a four-nation conference on Afghanistan next month. Russia, Afghanistan, China and Pakistan would participate in the talks.


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