Pajhwok Afghan News

Darz Ab women up in arms against Daesh insurgents

SHIBERGHAN (Pajhwok): Over a hundred women from the Qush Tepa district of northern Jawzjan province have taken up arms against Daesh militants, asking the government to help them eliminate the terrorist network.

The armed women belong to the families whose homes have been destroyed by Daesh insurgents in the Jar village of Darz Ab district. The affected families have migrated to the Jarqud village of Qush Tepa.

Malaika, one of the armed women, said: “Taliban and Daesh fighters set alight my home and killed my family members. Now I have no hope in life. I have taken up arms in self-defence and am ready to fight against the group.”

She accused Daesh terrorists of killing her three brothers and two sisters. Subsequently, she migrated to Qush Tepa to escape Daesh suppression. She is determined to avenge the barbarity inflicted on her family.

Badam, another woman who has become a sworn enemy of the Islamic State, said: “Daesh rebels killed her husband, uncle and another relative before forcing her to migrate from the area.” She has no option but to take on the terrorists.

Asking the government to help the courageous women, she remarked: “We are the people whose men were killed by Daesh. Coming from poor families, we are in urgent need of support. Daesh will not make mercy on us; it may kill us.”

The affected families are currently living in Qush Tepa district, 50 kilometres west of Shiberghan, the provincial capital.

Deputy police chief Col. Abdul Hafeez Khashi confirmed the women belonged to the families whose homes were destroyed by Daesh in Darz Ab district ten days back.

He acknowledged innocent civilians from Jar village, who had no connections with government or police, were put to death by the extremist outfit. He said the cruelty of Daesh had made the women to take arms in self-defence.

Khashi said the women had bought weapons with whatever resources they had and no assistance had provided to them by the government. The number of armed women is more than 100, living in Nawabad Jar village.

“We consider supporting the women who are up in arms and waiting for their turn to take ravage for the killing of their loved ones,” he said. A month earlier, 15 women rose against Daesh in Darz Ab district.



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