Pajhwok Afghan News

Woman, Iranian among 41 alleged drug traffickers held

KABUL (Pajhwok): Forty-one individuals have been arrested and they are currently being investigated in connection with drugs related crimes during the past one month.

A statement from the Criminal Justice Task Force (CJTF) received by Pajhwok Afghan News said the detainees included an Iranian national and a woman.

Police had seized more than 315 kilograms of heroin, 203kg of opium, 129kg of hashish, thousands of kilograms of solid chemical materials, 302 litres of liquid chemical stuff, 747 litres of alcoholic drinks from the detainees, the statement said.

It said the suspects’ cases were currently under investigation at CJTF. However, the statement didn’t identify the remaining detainees.

Special prosecution department at the CJTF pursued 39 drugs related cases out of the total 88 it had, the statement said.

Of 86 cases, 42 had been referred to the primary court, 23 to appellate court, and 17 to the Supreme Court of Afghanistan.

Provinces with most drug crimes in the Sawar month: 14 cases of drugs were registered in Kabul during the month, five in Nangarhar and four in Herat.

Provinces having no drug crimes: Logar, Khost, Daikundi, Nuristan, Zabul, Wardak, Takhar, Sar-i-Pul, Samangan, Uruzgan, Laghman Kunduz, Kunar, Kapisa, Jawzjan, Ghor, Faryab, Farah, Bamyan, Balkh, and Badghis were the provinces where no such incident happened.


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