Pajhwok Afghan News

CEO pledges financial support to junior footballers

KABUL (Pajhwok): Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr. Abdullah on Tuesday praised the performance of the under-15 football team, pledging to pay its expenses until the federation recovered from its financial crisis.

The national football team won all four games in a recently held football tournament played in Tajikistan and clinched the title. Coach Syed Hadi Kazimi said: “We contested the tournament empty-handed and emerged the champions.”

Yousuf Kargar, technical advisor to the football federation, said beating sides like Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and others was no easy task. He added the federation and players presented a positive image of the country.

Kargar complained of a lack of facilities and funds, urging the CEO to stop interference from lawmakers and politicians in affairs of the federation.

Firdaus Sherzad and Ali Zahidi, two members of the triumphant team, said they faced problems in schools on their return from international events.

After hearing from the football coach, officials and players, the CEO said: “We are aware that despite problems and difficulties, you have earned victory and pride for the country.”

The CEO assured his office would meet financial requirements of the team until the federation recover from its financial crisis.

He added the team enjoyed respect in Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) just because of its achievements and the performance of the national federation.


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