Pajhwok Afghan News

Trust vote to 11 Cabinet picks a victory for govt

KABUL “is a huge success for the government.”

The Wolesi Jirga — or lower house of parliament — on Monday approved 11 ministers-designate except the nominee for the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum.

The Cabinet nominees included Tariq Shah Bahrami, President Ghani’s choice for the Ministry of Defense (MoD), Wais Ahmad Barmak, the Ministry of Interior (MoI), Faizullah Zaki, the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disable (MoLSAMD).

Nargis Nehan could not bag the required number of votes from the lawmakers present as the minister-designate for the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum .

The government introduced 12 ministers-designate to the lower house for a vote of confidence on November 25.

Each nominee had to collect 113 votes from the 225 lawmakers present. However, Nargis Nehan bagged only 107 votes and failed to find her way to the Cabinet.

In reaction to the ministers’ approval, deputy spokesman for the President, Shah Hussain Murtazavi, told a press conference here that the endorsement was a great success for the government.

He said the remaining candidates for other ministries would be introduced in near future as well.

Currently the ministries of foreign affairs, education, mines and petroleum and information and culture are headed by acting officials. The government is yet to introduce nominees for these portfolios.


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