Pajhwok Afghan News

Controversial statements on Turkey talks worry MPs

KABUL members on Tuesday said controversial statements being made regarding informal Afghan peace talks in Turkey were creating concerns.

Some sources told Pajhwok Afghan News that a quadrilateral meeting about the Afghan peace process began in Turkey’s Istanbul city on Saturday and continued for three days.

One of the meeting participants, who wished to go unnamed, said the meeting was attended by representatives of Taliban (HIA).

But the Taliban and HIA spokesmen said those attending the meeting did not represent them.

Shah Hussain Murtazavi, spokesman for the president, also said Dr. Abbas Basir and Hamayon Jarir did not attend the meeting on behalf of the Afghan government.

The Meshrano Jirga or upper house of the parliament discussed the issue today.

Farhad Sakhi, a senator from Kabul, said: “Controversial statements about the Turkey meeting are creating concerns for people, the participants should clearly say who organized the meeting,”

He said the Meshrano Jirga members supported any type of meetings held for peace, but representatives of the opposite group must exist in such meetings.

Zalmai Zabulai, another senator, said a shopkeeper represented the Taliban in Turkey and the government had denied sending Hamayon Jarir and Abbas Bashir to the talks.

Shahzada Mustafa Zahir, another senator, said for Hamayon Jarir and Abbas Bashir it was impossible to take part in the Turkey meeting without coordinating it with the government.

Mohammad Alam Ezdyar, first deputy chairman of the upper house, also supported any type of peace talks and said the Afghan government should learn from past experiences so that the peace process were not misused.

A number of other senators also supported peace talks but said controversial statements about the Turkey huddle were worth concerning.

Meshrano Jirga chairman, Fazal Hadi Muslimyar, talking about Turkey meeting, said: “It is an achievement even if 10 people shun insurgency, we should wait to know who the government negotiated with.”


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