Pajhwok Afghan News

UNFPA to spend $150m in various Afghan sectors

KABUL sectors as part of its decade-long program.

An agreement to the effect was signed in Kabul between the Economy Minister Mustafa Mastoor and UNFPA country director in Afghanistan Bannet Ndyanabangi.

Mastoor said the aid would be spend to improve healthcare services, reduce gender violence, build youth capacity and assess population and demographics.

He said UNFPA provided its technical and financial assistance based on the Afghan government’s priorities and plans.

Bannet Ndyanabangi said they focus was on reducing mother mortality rate and improving lives of Afghanistan’s people.

He promised UNFPA would continue to help the people of Afghanistan in various fields.

During this solar year that ends on March 21, UNFPA has provided $13 for alleviating mother mortality rate.

Farkhunda Zahra Nadari, the president’s senior advisor to the United Nations (UN), urged the world’s body to provide its assistance to Afghanistan based on people’s needs and requirements.

She added such assistance would enable the people of Afghanistan to see positive changes coming to their lives.


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