Pajhwok Afghan News

71 militants killed in round-the-clock operations: MoD

KABUL (Pajhwok): More than 70 insurgents, including 14 Daesh gunmen, have been killed and 34 others wounded in security operations across the country during the past 24 hours, the Ministry of Defense said on Friday.

A MoD statement said the operations were conducted in Faryab, Nangarhar, Kandahar, Uruzgan, Zabul, Farah, Badghis, Jawzjan and Helmand provinces.

The statement said 41 militants were killed in Faryab’s Pashtun Kot, Sharin Tagab and Kohistan districts and another 17 were injured. Some weapons and ammunitions were also destroyed.

In Farah City and Balabok district, nine Taliban insurgents were killed, including two commanders and two arrested and two motorcycles were seized.

Eight Islamic State militants were killed and several explosive devices destroyed in Nangarhar province. Seven insurgents were killed and six others injured in Khan Uruzgan district of central  Uruzgan province.

Two armed Taliban were injured in Zabul province.


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