Pajhwok Afghan News

UNSC welcomes temporary Government-Taliban ceasefire

KABUL and the Eid al‑Fitr holiday, read a statement from the UNSC on Tuesday.

The members of the Security Council also welcomed the subsequent announcement by the Taliban of a three‑day partial ceasefire, urging them to reciprocate the Government’s temporary ceasefire in full.

The members of the Security Council reiterated their call upon the Taliban to accept the offer made by the Afghan Government in February this year to engage in direct peace talks without any preconditions and without the threat of violence, with the aim of an ultimate political settlement that leads to sustainable peace for the people of Afghanistan.

The members of the Security Council reiterated the importance of an inclusive Afghan‑led and ‑owned peace process for the long‑term prosperity and stability of Afghanistan, and expressed their full support for the Afghan Government’s efforts to that end.  They also recalled their messages on the peace process as set forth in the Security Council Press Statement of 15 March 2018.

The members of the Security Council reiterated that, as mandated by Security Council resolution 2405 (2018), the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and the Special Representative of the Secretary‑General, they stand ready to provide their good offices to support the Afghan‑led and Afghan‑owned peace process, if requested by and in close consultation with the Afghan Government.


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