Pajhwok Afghan News

US, UN envoys offer Eid greeting to Afghans

KABUL John Bass and UN Secretary General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan Tadamichi Yamamoto have offered their congratulations on Eid-ul-Fitr to all Afghans.

“I know, and I’m so happy to be celebrating Eid in Afghanistan this year.  It’s such an important holiday, a chance for us to reflect on what we thought about during Ramadan, and I hope this year Eid brings peace and happiness and joy to the families of Afghanistan.  And it’s so important for us also to think of those who are less fortunate than ourselves, just like we do at home,” the US envoy quoted by a statement as saying. 

“Absolutely, we all want that for Afghanistan.  And so on behalf of all of us here at the American Embassy, we want to extend our very best wishes to you and your families a joyous, and peaceful Eid.”

Separately a UN statement quoted Yamamoto as saying: “As Muslims around the world celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr after a month of fasting and worship, I wish all Afghans Eid Mubarak on behalf of the United Nations in Afghanistan.”

With historic announcements of ceasefires that will allow Afghan families across the country to come together peacefully in the days ahead, in what is, for now, a temporary respite from war, he said.

“I strongly urge all parties to the conflict to honour the announced ceasefires and respect this time of reflection, tolerance and solidarity,” he said.

“I sincerely hope the sense of solidarity marked by this joyful occasion will continue well into the future, enabling the extension of the ceasefires and leading to the peace that all Afghans want and deserve,” he added.

The United Nations continued to stand with the people of Afghanistan in their quest for security, stability and prosperity.


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