Pajhwok Afghan News

IEC extends voter registration time in 21 districts

KABUL) on Wednesday announced extending the voter registration time at 111 centers in 20 provinces, saying 21 districts missed voter registration due to security problems.

Sayed Hafizullah Hashemi, IEC spokesman, told a press conference here that the 21 districts missed voter registration for several reasons.

“The voter registration process began late in 111 centers in 20 provinces due to various reasons, so the IEC decided to extend the voter registration period from July 11 to July 18 in the mentioned centers,” he said.

He said provinces where the voter registration process would be extended included Kandahar, Kunar, Nuristan, Nangarhar, Uruzgan, Samangan, Zabul, Badghis, Logar, Helmand, Faryab, Balkh, Paktia, Paktika, Khost, Badakhshan, Baghlan, Takhar and Herat.

About no voter registration in 21 districts, Hashemi said: “Besides 17 districts of Ghazni province, Daichopan district of Zabul, Gayan district of Paktika, Khas Uruzgan district of Uruzgan and Kohistan district of Badakhshan also did not receive electoral materials for various different reasons.”

To a question about the situation in southern Ghazni province, Hashemi said that the IEC was trying to announce election schedule for Ghazni as soon as possible.

He said 25 percent of district council candidates should be women according to the law, but the rule was not applied in some districts.

“The IEC is ready to extend the time of nomination process for female candidates for district councils and the commission is discussing the issue with relevant organs for a solution.”

On the other hand, Hashemi said efforts were underway for introduction of the IEC secretary next week.

The initial list of candidates for district councils would be announced next week when the voter registration process in jails, hospitals and military compounds would also be started, he said.

According to Hashemi, more than 8.9 million people have registered as voters across the country as of July 6.


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