Pajhwok Afghan News

IEC to announce voters’ biometric procedure soon: Abdullah

KABUL) would announce the procedure for using voters’ biometric data in the next few days.

Talking to the seventh death anniversary of former president and High Peace Council (HPC) head, Abdullah rejected rumors that he would become vice-president in the 2019 presidential elections.

“When I say I would not be the vice-president in the next elections then it means that I am very clear on that issue,” he said.

He said the hope of the martyrs of the Afghan conflict was peace in Afghanistan and the future fate of the country was in the hands of the Afghan people.

“Every Afghan including men and women have the right to cast their votes in the Election Day, our people have sacrificed for achieving this right,” he said.

Abdullah added IEC would use biometric system for voters in the election day and it would remove the concerns of the public and political parties about fraud during the election process.

CEO said that the commission would provide information about the procedure for using voters’ biometric data in the election day in the near future.

A message of President Ashraf Ghani about the death of Borhanuddin Rabbani was also read out in the ceremony. The president in his message said achieving peace in a country that suffered four decades of war was not an easy job.

He said that war can affect every aspect of a society, scatter its structures, damage its culture and morality and negatively changes everything.

All classes of the society want peace and they call on the militants to put an end to hostility and violence against people and embrace peace, Ghani said.

The president in his message called Rabbani an unparalleled character of the modern Afghan history.


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