Pajhwok Afghan News

Pakistan’s cooperation with US in Afghanistan in its own interest: White House

WASHINGTON (Pajhwok): The White House on Monday hoped that Pakistan.

“We remain hopeful that Pakistan will realize it is in its own interest to cooperate with the US strategy in Afghanistan,” said an official from the National Security Council, White House amidst a war of words between the US President Donald Trump and the Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan.

“The (Trump) Administration has been clear to Pakistani leaders that it expects them to constructively address the problem of militant safe havens in Pakistan,” said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “Because Pakistan failed to address the problem, the Administration suspended security assistance to Pakistan,” the official said.

Earlier in the day, Trump slammed Pakistan for not doing anything for the US. “We paid Pakistan Billions of Dollars and they never told us he was living there. Fools!..,” Trump said in a tweet, a day after he told Fox news in an interview that Osama bin Laden should have been captured long before.

“We no longer pay Pakistan the $Billions because they would take our money and do nothing for us, Bin Laden being a prime example, Afghanistan being another,” Trump said

“They were just one of many countries that take from the United States without giving anything in return. That’s ENDING!” Trump said.

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan responded on tweeter by saying that his country has suffered enough fighting terrorism on behalf of the United States. “Now we will do what is best for our people & our interests,” the cricketer-turned politician wrote on Twitter.

Republican Senator Rand Paul, came out in support of Trump. “I agree completely. That’s why we should push hard on Pakistan to let persecuted Christian Asia Bibi find asylum in America,” he said retweeting Trump.

“Until Asia Bibi is freed, Pakistan should not receive a penny of U.S. aid! Not one penny should go to any nation that persecutes or kills Christians!” Paul wrote in an op-ed in Breitbart News.


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