Pajhwok Afghan News

MPs swing behind Kabul’s stance on Trump comment

KABUL and supported President Afshraf Ghani’s stance in this regard.

During a Cabinet meeting on Thursday, President Trump asked Russia, India and Pakistan militants and described the Soviet Union occupation of Afghanistan “as a fight against terrorism”, breaking with decades of Republican anti-communist beliefs.

“The reason Russia was in Afghanistan was because terrorists were going into Russia,” he had said. “They were right to be there.”

The Wolesi Jirga discussed the US president’s recent speech and demanded explanation from the US his comments on the Afghan Jihad against the Soviets.

Mohammad Mussa Janab, a lawmaker from northwestern Badghis province, said: “The withdrawal of US troops and recent comments of the president would not harm the Afghans, but the US itself”.

He reminded Trump of former Russian president Mikhail Gorbachev’s decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan in 1989, saying the American leader wanted his country to be defeated in Afghanistan.

He said Trump as US president had so far made no political decision and his commercial vision would lead to his country’s collapse.

Ghulam Hussian Nasari, another lawmaker from central Maidan Wardak province, demanded explanation from the US about President Donald Trump’s comments on the Afghan Jihad against the Soviet Union and said they supported President Ghani’s stance in this regard.

He said consecutive trips of high profile US figures to Afghanistan in recent months showed some decisions had been made behind closed doors and the people of Afghanistan were unaware about them.

He said a false belief had been created about the presence of American troops in Afghanistan as if the troops were pulled out, the country would fall into crisis. 

The lawmaker said a timetable should be set for US troops’ withdrawal because Afghanistan security forces were able and capable to ensure the country’s security.

Allah Gul Mujahid, another lawmaker from Kabul, said: “We support the US president’s decision about withdrawal of their troops from Afghanistan”.

He said the withdrawal of US troops would positively impact the security situation as he believed all insecurities had been created by the presence of foreign troops in the country.

A number of other lawmakers expressed similar views at today’s session about President Trump’s remarks.

Amir Khan Yar, second deputy speaker, who chaired today’s session, also supported the Afghan government’s stance regarding the US president recent comment about Afghanistan.


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