Pajhwok Afghan News

Wolesi Jirga poll final results from 3 provinces announced

KABUL elections from Panjsher, Kapisa and Sar-i-Pul provinces.

Abdul Badi Sayyad, the IEC chief, told a press conference here that two candidates from Panjsher province had won the Wolesi Jirga elections according to the final results.

He said the winning candidates from Panjsher included Zalmai Noori who secured 8,456 votes and Rahila Salim who secured 1,577 votes.

In Kapisa, the winning candidates include Mirdad Khan Nijrabi who secured 5,849 votes, Eng. Mir Haidar Afzali 5,370 votes, Gen. Iqbal Safi 5,355 votes and Khadija Ilham Khalili who secured 1,378 votes, he said.

Sayyad said the winners from Sar-I-Pul province were Mohammad Akbar Sultanizada who collected 9,242 votes, Sayed Mohammad Hasan Sharifi Balkhabi 7,358 votes, Hamidullah Baig 6,260 votes, Sayed Hayatullah Alami 5,746 votes and Aziza Jaliz 6,015 votes.

About final results from other provinces, he said they would be announced after the Independent Electoral Complaints Commission (IECC) finalized the list and shared it with the IEC.

The IEC announced the final results of nine provinces including Uruzgan, Laghman, Bamyan, Parwan, Jawjzan, Daikundi, Zabul, Samangan and Nimroz three days ago.

The Wolesi Jirga elections were conducted on October 20 and 21 across 32 provinces and in Kandahar on October 27.

The initial Wolesi Jirga election results were scheduled for November 10, 2018 but the IEC delayed it due to some technical problems in the process.

A number of failing candidates in some provinces have warned they would hold massive protests if their demands regarding the results were not accepted.

A day earlier, a number of failing candidates and their supporters closed entry gates to Kabul against traffic, demanding invalidation of all votes of the capital.

On the other hand, the IEC chief expressed concern about budget preparation for the next presidential election and asked the government to assure the commission about the funding as early as possible.

He asked presidential election candidates to avoid illegal campaigning or they face legal action.


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