Pajhwok Afghan News

HPC welcomes Khalilzad’s efforts for intra-Afghan talks

KABUL (HPC) on Thursday said it welcomed every effort and cooperation of countries and individuals in advancing an intra-Afghan peace dialogue.

A statement from the HPC welcomed the hard work of US special representative for Afghan peace Zalmay Khalilzad, hoped his decisive role would lead to intra-Afghan dialogue between the Taliban and Kabul.

The HPC expressed optimism after talks between Khalilzad and the Taliban entered a fourth round in Doha, the capital of Qatar, on Thursday (today).

The withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, ceasefire, a guarantee from Taliban that they would not target Afghanistan in future are part of the talks agenda, a source close to the parlays, said.

On the other hand, HPC secretary and special advisor to President Ghani in regional affairs Mohammad Omar Daudzai has arrived in Beijing, China, to push for regional consensus on peace in Afghanistan.

Sayyed Ihsan Tahiri, HPC spokesman, who is accompanying Daudizai, told Pajhwok that Dauzai would deliver a speech on progress in the peace process and importance of regional consensus on Afghanistan peace in China and would answer questions from Chinese analysts and researchers.


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